My children were "raised". They didn't just grow up.
They were raised to say "please" and "thank
They were raised to respect their elders, and to get up out
of a chair if an elder is in the room and offer them the seat.
They were raised to say "yes sir" and "no
sir" and to address their elders with Mr. and Mrs, or Ms.
They were raised say hello and to offer a drink to a guest
that enters our home.
They were raised to help those in need, and to commit random
acts of kindness to strangers.
They were raised to hold the door for the person behind
them, and to say "what can I do to help you" when they see someone
struggling who needs assistance.
They were raised to say "excuse me" and "pardon
They were raised to love people for who they are, NOT for
what that person can do for them.
They were raised to give more than they take.
They were raised to be grateful for all that they have,
knowing there are many in this world that have far less.
They were raised to admit their mistakes, and to learn from
They were raised to treat people the way they want to be