Friday, June 15, 2012

Raising up a child

My children were "raised".  They didn't just grow up.

They were raised to say "please" and "thank you".

They were raised to respect their elders, and to get up out of a chair if an elder is in the room and offer them the seat.

They were raised to say "yes sir" and "no sir" and to address their elders with Mr. and Mrs, or Ms.

They were raised say hello and to offer a drink to a guest that enters our home.

They were raised to help those in need, and to commit random acts of kindness to strangers.

They were raised to hold the door for the person behind them, and to say "what can I do to help you" when they see someone struggling who needs assistance.

They were raised to say "excuse me" and "pardon me".

They were raised to love people for who they are, NOT for what that person can do for them.

They were raised to give more than they take.

They were raised to be grateful for all that they have, knowing there are many in this world that have far less.

They were raised to admit their mistakes, and to learn from them.

They were raised to treat people the way they want to be treated.

I jumped the gun and paid it forward on Thursday!

It is "Pay It Forward Friday"!!!  Absolutely one of my favorite days!!!  I have to admit that I jumped the gun and committed my random act of kindness yesterday.  

Yesterday I stopped at Subway Sandwiches for lunch.  I went up to the counter and there was a guy in front of me...younger... probably 22ish. He chose a sandwich that he was having toasted and I'm thinking to myself, I ought to buy the next person who walks in and gets in line behind me their lunch in honor of my friend Mechelle's grandpa that passed away and whose birthday was yesterday. So, I send up a prayer "God, please put someone in line behind me so I can pay it forward...." Right then, the guy in front of me says, "lets trade spots (his sandwich was still toasting, no reason for me to wait). I laughed and thanked him, and thought "God, you've got a good sense of humor...that wasn't what I was expecting...I was hoping for a senior citizen, but this works to...obviously the guy is generous and kind to give up his spot in line. I'm telling the gal the veggies I don't want on my sandwich, and next thing I know when I look up, there is a little old lady...mid 80's (I'm guessing) in line behind my guy...... Well, I did request a senior citizen. " got me God....prayers answered"

When I got to the counter to pay I asked for TWO $10 gift cards. As I took my bag I handed one to the guy behind me and said "This is for you" and he thanked me. Then I went to the little old lady and I said "This is for you, it is a gift meant for you today" She had a look of shock, then a huge smile and a very grateful thank you .

I'd like to think I made there day just a little bit brighter!  

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Celebrate Joy

I celebrate the little things.....I celebrate "Thankful Thursday".......Today I am thankful for the little things in life that bring me joy. Beautiful flowers, birds chirping in the morning and tea on the patio. My 7 year old surprising me with a waffle she made herself, in multiple pieces because it stuck to the waffle iron ~ "but it will still taste good". An email from a friend that says "I just love you!" Sitting with my husband, snacking on fast food and watching my favorite reality show...not because he enjoys it, but because he knows I do. The messiness of my home and knowing that means I have a large family to love and care for, and the joy and unconditional love they give me makes up for all of the "work" it takes to maintain this household. Waking up and thinking "how can I be a blessing to those in my life today" and realizing there are WAY to many people that I care about to be able to complete that task for all of them on a daily basis. Being told by a friend, "You have made such a difference in my life, you are a God came when I needed you most." Old friends, and new friends, and adventures to come. Blessed beyond measure and thankful this morning ♥