Friday, April 12, 2013

Everything comes full circle

I'm a big believer in Karma.  I believe what you put out into the world, comes back multiplied.  I believe if you are kind to someone, you will in turn have kindness come into your life.  I believe if you are helpful to someone, when you are in need, someone will help you. 

For those who know me well, they know that I LOVE to pay it forward.  I get GREAT JOY in doing something for someone I have never met and can never repay me.  I made some Pay It Forward cards that I hand to the person receiving the kindness that wishes them a wonderful day and letting them know that if/when they pay it forward, to include the card because together we can make the world a better place.   Together we can all be GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, & BLESSED.

I started "Paying It Forward" many years ago, and the reason I did was very selfish if I'm going to be honest.  I love to give.  I love to be social. I loved to spoil my friends.  The problem was that when I gave, I thought I was giving with the intent to give. With the intent to see the joy on my friends face when they were home sick and I brought them a get well basket, or on the days that I surprised them with flowers (because who doesn't love flowers).  In reality what I found was that when I was giving to those friends, I had silently included expectations for them that I wasn't consciously thinking when giving them the gifts.  The expectations would come up later, often much later.  Like several months down the road, when I was sick. Where were these friends of mine?   Where was that "return of friendship" via a get well basket, or a meal?

I can tend to be a slow learner of life lessons and at first I felt self pity.  "I'm doing all of these kind things for friends, and when I'm in need, they aren't there."  "Maybe I need new friends?"   Eventually I came to my senses and realized that not everyone LOVES to give. Not everyone LOVES to surprise people with gifts.  Not everyone has time on their hands to go out and shop or make meals when they find out all of a sudden someone is sick.  The lesson for me then became that I needed to find a way to still do Random Acts Of Kindness to get that joy, without it being connected to an expectation that the kindness is returned.  So, I started Paying It Forward to strangers.  Complete strangers.  Like paying for the meal for person behind me in the drive up, or leaving a gift card with the cashier at the grocery store, or buying coffee for the gas station attendant because it is cold out.  In the end the expectations are gone but I can still tell you I get SO MUCH more in return. It ALWAYS comes back full circle, which leads me to this week's story.
On Monday I was getting ready to go run errands. I was looking in my closet for something to wear and I thought to myself....once I hit my financial goals I REALLY need to get some new T-shirts. As I was out and about an ad came on the radio about the local butcher and his sausages and I thought to myself...."awwwww, those food splurging days are over." I've set some REALLY strict financial goals, and there  isn't any more play money in the budget. I went to the grocery store and the lines were SUPER long. There is a lady behind the check stands that tells you which line to go to and she pulls me from the back of the line --- there were about 4 lines, each with 6 or so people --- and she grabs my cart and says come with me. Well, that was just an invitation to pay it forward, so I grabbed a Starbucks gift card that was hanging by the register and after she finished ringing me up and handed me my receipt I handed her the Starbucks gift card and one of the Pay It Forward cards and wished her a wonderful day.

After I came home I couldn't decide where to get started with chores and I looked outside and saw some blue sky and decided some fresh air would be good for me and mowing the lawn equals exercise so that would be my choice for my afternoon chore.  As I was out mowing the lawn, a friend pulls up with a BIG smile and a wave as she gets out of the car. She says, "I have some swag for you!!! I had these T-shirts made with our towns school logo and with all the sporting events you attend, this is the perfect swag for you my friend!!! Enjoy your day!" I gave her a big hug and thanked her, and then off she went. As I looked down at the shirt, she had safety pinned a gift certificate to the butcher for 2 lbs of sausage.  A smile crossed my face and I sent up gratitude for everything that comes full circle.  Monday morning I'd wished for T-shirts and Sausage, I had gone out and performed an act of kindness and that kindness came back that afternoon         via an unexpected visit from a friend.  

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