Thursday, May 16, 2013

OVERUSE I love you!!!

OVERUSE "I Love You". Too many people wait for a holiday to share their expressions of love. It shouldn't take a Hallmark Holiday for you to tell someone "I love you", "you mean the world to me", "you make a difference in my life". Gifts of love should NOT be given because a date on a calendar says it is a holiday -- Flowers should be given just because (not because of Valentines Day), dinner out should be just because you care, every day is a special occasion when you share it with someone you truly care about.

  Is there someone you cherish that doesn't know how much you truly care about them, or what a difference they've made in your life? If they passed away tomorrow would they know, or would it be only their friends when you walked up to the podium to give their eulogy. Take the time to write down the people that matter most to you, and find a way to let them know as soon as possible what a difference they've made in your life. It matters.

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